Publication Day!

It was an exciting start to 2023 here as I received the news that my book had been published at last.

This was not a thing that I would ever have imagined myself doing!

I was asked if I would like to and wasn’t sure if I could but sometimes you have to just say ‘yes’ and give it your best shot.

Brioche knitting has a bit of a reputation for being tricky to master so my hope is that my book can be used as a tool to help you get started or explain some of the special rules invoved.

If you fancy giving it a try, my advice would be…Start off, try the basics and then see how far you would like to go.

This is intended to be a practical book that will help you to practise the techniques and I have provided instructions that you can follow, try it out, get confident and learn the mechanics of the stitches.

There are three patterns in the book for 2-colour brioche projects that you should then be able to make using the new skill that you have aquired.

This has been in the pipeline for quite some time.

It’s two years since I started writing it and everyone was all locked in and shut away.

It is amazing to think back now how very strange the world outside felt when I was tucked away in my little office planning and researching and playing about with my ideas.

On top of everything else, at the time my Dad was very ill and we were told he may not live more than around six months. I do remember telling him about the book and having at the back of my mind that he would never see it. However, it turned out that he was stronger than anyone knew and not ready to leave us just yet! How extremely satisfying it was, when I had an advanced copy last month, to be able to put it into his hand and let him actually see the finished result of all my hard work. He enjoyed looking at all the pictures and I think he was quite pleased.

I could not have done this without the support and encouragement of quite a number of people. I’ve thanked them all already but am going to say it again. My husband, my test knitters, my sons and their partners, Loraine McLean & Andrea Thornton, thank you all for everything.

signed copies and kits including the yarn to make a Betty shawl of Bertha scarf are available from my website

click here for other colours